Jailbreakby Thin Lizzy- played 2 times

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Live debut by Freeman on Late Show: 7/23/2014 in Brooklyn, NY
Shows before debut: 1093 (970 with setlist)
Shows since last time played: 326 (316 with setlist)
Average gap since debut: 168 shows
Average gap while active: 20 shows
Played at 0.1% of shows (with setlist: 0.2%)
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#BandDateCity, St/Pr, CountryGapPositionSetPrevious SongNext Song
1 - Freeman07-23-2014bBrooklyn, NY, USAposition: 18 of 19set: 1st Encoreprev song: Golden Monkeynext song: I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man
2 - Freeman10-23-2014Houston, TX, USAshows since last (gap): 20position: 18 of 18set: Encoreprev song: The Argus